Standards assured by 3rd party accreditation

Our group companies’ reputations have been built up over many years of trading.  We protect our reputation and our competitive advantage by investing in our people, our premises and our processes, and it is critical for our customers that our commitment is underpinned by third party certification and assessment.

Quality Assurance – ISO9001 : 2015

ISO9001:2015 is an internationally recognised mark of quality assurance.

In the most simple terms, a quality management system such as ISO 9001 is a clearly defined set of business processes. Together with the relevant documentation, it defines our commitment to creating products and services in accordance with pre-defined standards.

An effective QMS ensures that group companies deliver to a consistently high standard, together with a plan to continually measure and improve every aspect of the business operations, within the appropriate regulatory framework.

Please refer to the relevant group company for further details.

Environmental Assurance – ISO14001 : 2015 and BS8555

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.

Please refer to the relevant group company for further details.

Occupational Health & Safety – ISO45001 and SSiP

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) is the mutual recognition scheme for occupational health and safety standards particularly within construction.

Please refer to the relevant group company for further details.

Trade Association – BESA

Established in 1904, BESA has a proud heritage and has been known by several names throughout its history, most notably as the Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA). Now operating as BESA, their primary focus is to support and serve their members active in the design, installation, commissioning, maintenance, control and management of engineering systems and services in buildings.

BESA publishes DW154, the UK standard for plastic ductwork fabrication and installation. The technical committee which wrote that standard was chaired by Graham Handley, Roperhurst’s founder.

Roperhurst and IEP are two of only a handful of plastic ductwork specialists who are also members of BESA, and are regularly audited for quality and compliance by BESCA. Acting as a UKAS accredited body as part of the wider BESA Group, BESCA aims to help businesses and individuals within the UK to meet industry standards, ensuring compliance and promoting best practice within the building engineering services industry.

IEP membership information

Roperhurst membership information

Trade Association – SEA

As a trade association, the SEA endeavours to be the voice that represents members in areas surrounding legislation and government that affect our ability to produce and compete successfully in an increasingly competitive global market.

The SEA are very proud of the contribution that the UK treatment industries have made to current technology employed around the world.

Plastratum membership information


Thousands of buyers rely on the Constructionline platform to identify high quality, pre-approved construction suppliers. Constructionline validates all of its members, providing those buyers with a pool of high quality suppliers that they can confidently engage with.

PAS 91 is a standardised prequalification questionnaire, designed to reduce the need for suppliers to complete a variety of different documents for different clients, simplifying the process for suppliers. Developed by the British Standards Institute (BSI), the question set is the common minimum standard for construction procurement.  Constructionline members are assessed against the PAS 91 enhanced questionnaire.

Please refer to the relevant group company for further details.

Cyber Essentials

The Cyber Essentials scheme was created to provide a baseline of cyber security measures that organisations can implement to protect themselves against common cyber attacks.

Since its launch, the Cyber Essentials scheme has been widely adopted by businesses in the UK. In 2018, the UK government announced that all of its suppliers must be Cyber Essentials certified, and therefore all group companies hold this certification.

The Cyber Essentials scheme has also evolved over time to keep pace with the changing cyber threat landscape. In 2017, the scheme was updated to include additional controls to address the growing threat of ransomware, and in 2019, the scheme was updated again to include controls related to cloud security.

Limited company insurances

Customers need to be assured that we carry the appropriate level of insurances for the work we carry out.  In addition to the basics of employer’s and public liability, this also includes contractors’ all risks insurance and professional indemnity.

As a group we carry:

  • £10m public liability
  • £10m employers liability
  • £10m products liability
  • £5m professional indemnity
  • £1.5m contractors all risks
Contact us

From emergency call out to comprehensive safety-critical plastic projects, our teams will be happy to assist with your enquiry.

+44 (0) 3300 373 0208