Our Vision

Our people are known as the leading designers, fabricators and installers of safety-critical products and solutions using thermoplastics.

Our Mission

To ensure the safety of our end users and maximise the quality, longevity and efficiency of their processes by designing, fabricating and installing leading edge equipment at every site.

Our Values:  Trust

We trust each other to act in the best interests of the group and our customers.

Our Values:  Challenge

We are not afraid to challenge ourselves, our colleagues, our customers and our suppliers to ensure we always deliver our best for all involved.

Our Values:  Balance

The greatest success individually and collectively is delivered by working with a balance of hunger, humility and adaptability.

Our Values:  Opportunity

We provide opportunities and support for our people to maximise their potential.

Core competencies
Core Behaviours

We sum it up like this… #noassholes

All people within any company fall into one of the boxes below, which depends on:

  • Performance – “what you do” – how good are you at doing your job, the core competencies listed above; and
  • Behaviour – “how do you do it” – our core behaviours listed above, or as the expert puts it, are you an asshole?

Dr Cameron Sepah makes the point that highly competent assholes are still assholes, who bring all kinds of challenges to a harmonious company culture.

Businesses want all their people to be in the top right hand box, high standards of performance and behaviour, with a few that are outstanding, but it’s rare that anyone starts in that box, and so they have to take actions for those who are somewhere else:

Incompetent assholes need to be moved out quickly;

Competent assholes need to sort out their behaviour or move on, and we are supportive here to help people get beyond this box. However long term, we can’t and won’t tolerate a refusal to change poor behaviour.

Incompetent nice guys need to improve their performance or move on, but this should be easier to do because the people here start with good intentions

Contact us

From emergency call out to comprehensive safety-critical plastic projects, our teams will be happy to assist with your enquiry.

+44 (0) 3300 373 0208